Headed out to sunny, tropical warm Lake Whatcom yesterday to get some photos with Wakeboard ripper Brenden Leib and some friends killing it in the 59 degree murky water and what felt about 40 degree air temp after a nice crisp windchill...Bu that didn't stop these pond pillagers though, sending it all afternoon until it got dark.
For the second year in a row the guys at Northwest Riders put down the Northwest Riders Wake Series, in which tons of local wakeboarders and wake-skaters, young and old, am and pro, threw down on some of the biggest sickest double-ups known to Washington, and mankind. On beautiful (man-made) Lake Tye in magical Monroe, Washington, a perfect day with a PNW sunset finished off the Pro double up contest for friday night, and a mellow Saturday afternoon of several heats of riders followed for the competition.
Kicking it (literally) in my fins and classy bright yellow mike's hard lemonade float chair, I was stoked to keep my gear dry, and land some shots I was pretty happy with.
Don't let anyone tell you Wakeboarding is for wimps. The vid below ought to show you. These guys go big, and water doesn't feel good when you hit it going 40 or 50.
Bowlake Watersports is blowing up so don't miss out. Got to check out the biggest coolest puddle western Washington has to offer and get some test shots for hopefully plenty of future shooting
Got to hang with killer wakeboarders Brenden Leib, Roy Dammarell, Justin Huerter, Ryan Huerter (of Bow Lake Watersports), and their friend Emily yesterday. Had a super rad time just watching these monster slayers kill it, and practice my wakeboarder knowledge, which I admit is now a little above zero.
With the water reading about 49 degrees and the air temp reading about 50, it was a classic scorching Northwest April day on Lake Whatcom, snowcapped hills on the horizon and all. But good times were had whether you were rocking a sweatsuit and a beanie (like me) or a full on slow-choke drysuit.
Get outside, its spring time. Meaning this is most likely the best the weather will get until September.