Entries in wakeboard shoot (1)


A Whatcom Wake

Got to hang with killer wakeboarders Brenden Leib, Roy Dammarell, Justin Huerter, Ryan Huerter (of Bow Lake Watersports), and their friend Emily yesterday.  Had a super rad time just watching these monster slayers kill it, and practice my wakeboarder knowledge, which I admit is now a little above zero. 

With the water reading about 49 degrees and the air temp reading about 50, it was a classic scorching Northwest April day on Lake Whatcom, snowcapped hills on the horizon and all. But good times were had whether you were rocking a sweatsuit and a beanie (like me) or a full on slow-choke drysuit.

Get outside, its spring time. Meaning this is most likely the best the weather will get until September.



A Whatcom Wake from rhys logan on Vimeo.