Entries in mt baker (5)


Elementary my dear Watson

I seem to find myself in hairbrained situations quite often.  The latest being a last minute decision to go on a quick and easy overnighter to beautiful (we think) Watson Lakes in the Mt Baker National Forest.  At a mere 4400 foot elevation, a nice heavy snowpack wasn't quite on our radar until we had to park about a mile from the trailhead blocked by some good size classic Northwest slush piles.  Pressing on with the thought of a pristine lake at the end of a Measly 2.5 mile hike on our minds was an easy decision, but one that would make the rest of the evening interesting to say the least.  Hitting the trailhead at about 8:30 p.m. some really nice temperatures kept us from being apprehensive about night hiking, and having our lamps and trudging through the snow kept us feeling pretty awesome as well, that is until we found ourselves dropping in elevation, searching in the dark, in a solid 4-5 feet of snow, for a trail that was about 20 inches wide.  Sidehilling, scrambling and gritting and clawing our way through brush, slush and warily navigating rock fields with a good post-holing risk and backtracking to the correct area where we would go over a small saddle, to see the beautiful lake moonlit because it was entirely frozen over and covered in more snow.  Sliding down towards the water's edge on an old avalanche track while watching a huge lightning storm on the horizon and seeing more stars than I have in months, made the experience more than worthwhile though, and some steak kebabs and rum and coke courtesy of Mike, who makes the honorable mention list for jumping on the trip without a shred of gear, no headlamp and still being able to pack both beverage and steak morsels, made the weekend one of the best this summer so far.  

Here's to believing theres no such thing as too late to have fun.

Thanks for looking

whole gallery here



Phil's maternity picture, he's due any day now!





Back in the saddle again...

La Nina has returned in case you hadn't noticed, and chances are, if you live anywhere in the PNW you have.  With the joy of frozen car doors, icy roads, and west side drivers also come the joys of pow shots, pillows, and general shreddage as well.  Working out the rust on my board legs, as well as my trigger finger, I got to have a killer pow day at Baker with friend and shred professor Chris Bowlin of Northwest Riders and some of his crew; Ian, Ezra and Pat. It didn't take long for hoots to be hollered and rag dolls to be impersonated, in trying to catch up on a months worth of lost turns.  Me and Chris snuck around for some artsy fartsy photo bonding, and then ditched the gear to enjoy the rest of the day with a killer crew.

Here's to La Nina, the one we're sure glad didn't get away..

check the whole gallery HERE

thanks for looking



La Nina Returns

Three days straight hiking, riding, ripping, slashing, dropping, filming, laughing, wooping, shredding and destroying.

Opening weekend at Baker.  And a grand one at that.

Riders Megan Middleton, Mark Macias and the original Sk8rat Jordan Wood



And on the third day.....

.....My legs were finally shot.

Got to immerse myself in the proverbial prodigal daughter La Nina once more, as she returned from a several week hiatus. (Good word, I know)  Her vacation left her fat, happy and ready to release the beautiful goodness upon Baker's terrain... anyways this President's Day weekend was rad. It was going off at Baker with blower pow, nice drops, and a little kicker sesh to finish  up a weekend with some of the most fun I've ever had snowboarding.
I hope you've found yourself in the mountains lately, figuratively and literally. 

Big ups and mad thank you's to Chris Bowlin, Crystal Cartner, Bart Patitucci and Matt Wainhouse





Baker Bliss with Chris from rhys logan on Vimeo.