Entries in matt wainhouse (3)


Holy Oly, "The Ocho"

One of the holiest of snowboard comps went down this last weekend on Saturday April 9, 2011. Holy Oly "The Ocho" with one of the biggest quarterpipes around, and more than likely the biggest one in the entire state of Washington, at about 27 feet high. Needless to say, big air was caught, sent and generally had.

The Holiest of Oly's: Manuel Diaz

Best trick: Matt Wainhouse, Front 900 Tail grab

Future Northwest Shred: Bart Patitucci

Best Method: Scotty Witzle

Mayor of Tube City: Forrest Bailey

Highest Air: Jay Kelly

*Land Am: Stephen Krumm

Holy Diver: Dan Manning

Where You Been: Allister Schultz


Good day







Stevens Pass Big Air Fiesta 2011

The 2011 Stevens Pass Big Air Fiesta went down Saturday March 26, with local shreds throwing down doubles, cab spins, 90's straight airs and much more.  In a classic Pacific Northwest gray day, competition was fierce but the good times had were the best prizes on the afternoon.
Stevens shredder Matt Wainhouse took first, Sir Max McIndoe came up with second, 14 year phenom Matt Penny took third, and mr Michigan hailed in fourth.

good day


Stevens Pass Big Air Fiesta 2011 from rhys logan on Vimeo.

Manuel Diaz gettin inverted

Wainhouse takin it house

Matt Penny aka "TwirlyBird"

Bart Patitucci pokin it, twice.

Sir Michigan with a solid Craig Kelly tribute.

Patitucci's 'sick front three' that would unknowingly land him a new pair of boots.

Matt Wainhouse leanin' wit' it.


And on the third day.....

.....My legs were finally shot.

Got to immerse myself in the proverbial prodigal daughter La Nina once more, as she returned from a several week hiatus. (Good word, I know)  Her vacation left her fat, happy and ready to release the beautiful goodness upon Baker's terrain... anyways this President's Day weekend was rad. It was going off at Baker with blower pow, nice drops, and a little kicker sesh to finish  up a weekend with some of the most fun I've ever had snowboarding.
I hope you've found yourself in the mountains lately, figuratively and literally. 

Big ups and mad thank you's to Chris Bowlin, Crystal Cartner, Bart Patitucci and Matt Wainhouse





Baker Bliss with Chris from rhys logan on Vimeo.