Entries in snowboard photography (12)


Gettin Wacky in Wenatchee

The last few days have been a blur.  Gearing up for a two month trip to Africa, I have been faced with the sacrifice of missing the heart of the 2011/12 snow season, and one that is shaping up to be pretty awesome.  It's one I gladly make though, and getting to have days like this, running around with Bart Patitucci, Robbie Hutton and Matt Penny at ungodly hours of the morning, dodging cops, sweet talking office employees and shredding in the backyard with Max the dog, let me have the best of both.

Here's to doing stuff, and being busy. It means you have a life,

thanks for looking

check the whole gallery HERE







Secret Tube Land

Somewhere on the remote frozen tundra outside of a Russian gulag, three inmates make due in a frigid icy desert, using only what scraps of materials they could scrounge, in order to cling to life.  Hopefully the dog has moved on once dinner time rolls around...
Bart Patitucci, Matt Penny, Robbie Hutton, and Max. Gettin shifty on the corrugated.
Good times

check the whole gallery HERE

thanks for looking





Get it while its good...

Sitting here listening to the rain wash away all hopes and dreams for any more killer Bellingham urban, I can't be anything but thankful and stoked for the couple of chances I got to hang out with some cool kids and watch some rail trickery be thrown down the last couple days.  Future spots were scoped, a couple fantasies were fulfilled, and fingers remained crossed for another gift from the cruel mistress herself.

Check the whole gallery HERE

thanks for looking





Evan Bang put it best when he told me Bellingham with snow is like a whole other world.  And with the right light, and some nice bright snowflakes, a spacey looking starry scene unfolded and it seemed the planets aligned just enough for us to get some snow to hit a rail he had been scoping out.  With a solid rope, 4WD and a good grip, a quick lurch got the guys going fast enough for a nice rail session.  First rail shots of the year! So I'm a little behind, but hopefully make up for it with these,

Now go do something in the snow besides crash into curbs, like most things in life, as soon as its gone, you'll want it back.

Check the whole gallery HERE

thanks for looking!
