Entries in Scotty Witzle (1)


Holy Oly, "The Ocho"

One of the holiest of snowboard comps went down this last weekend on Saturday April 9, 2011. Holy Oly "The Ocho" with one of the biggest quarterpipes around, and more than likely the biggest one in the entire state of Washington, at about 27 feet high. Needless to say, big air was caught, sent and generally had.

The Holiest of Oly's: Manuel Diaz

Best trick: Matt Wainhouse, Front 900 Tail grab

Future Northwest Shred: Bart Patitucci

Best Method: Scotty Witzle

Mayor of Tube City: Forrest Bailey

Highest Air: Jay Kelly

*Land Am: Stephen Krumm

Holy Diver: Dan Manning

Where You Been: Allister Schultz


Good day