
La Nina Returns

Three days straight hiking, riding, ripping, slashing, dropping, filming, laughing, wooping, shredding and destroying.

Opening weekend at Baker.  And a grand one at that.

Riders Megan Middleton, Mark Macias and the original Sk8rat Jordan Wood



Turquoise Jeep

Rockin and rappin hard, Turquoise Jeep made their Western Debut last week on campus, playing such hits as Smang it Girl, and Fried or Fertilized, they played a killer show in a packed multi purpose room.  Nothing but four dudes and a laptop, Turquoise Jeep have their sound down on lock.

now go smash it and bang it



Weddings update! a Season to remember

My wedding season is officially over and what a great season since May!

I have had a great time getting to know so many cool people and play a part in a very siginificant time in their lives.

Rachel and Jack and their movie themed wedding was something different that I had a ton of fun covering.  With popcorn, a red carpet, movie posters and even cardboard cut outs we had a lucky sunny Bellingham October day and a lot of cool people to run around WWU campus with, and a great venue with The Majestic for the ceremony.  

thanks for looking 




Washington; sweet to call it home

Driving across Stevens Pass last weekend I was reminded once again why our state is pretty rad.  I must have crossed that pass 100 times in the last year and it still catches me off guard with how beautiful it is.  I think there are too many things around us that really cool, if we just stop and take a closer look sometimes. 

thanks for looking
