Entries in Rhys Logan (100)


Nick Ennen and Cam Russel Droppin the Falls

Deep in the woods of western Washington, the dull roar of a beast grew louder, until quelled it was by the sounds of men machine and the wizardry of wake-winching.

Nick Ennen, Cam Russel, droppin bombs and securing legendary status

thanks for looking



Hunter & Aimee

No better way to kick off the wedding season than with two of the coolest people I know, and an unbeatable group of friends.  Getting things done at the Echo Falls Golf Club it was a party from the get go.  

here's to spring time

thanks for looking







Jenna & Kyle

My sister is getting married, crazy! I didn't need to feel any older. 

At least I beat her graduating, that's the important part.  Getting to hang with her and Kyle was one of the most fun shoots I've had, and watching them interact makes me sure that there is someone out there for everyone, who is just as weird (and/or awesome) as they may feel they are, you just have to find them.  If the amazing level of goof is maintained for the wedding, I am even more excited, because I have the honor of being in it.    

I love you Jenna and Kyle! Thanks for making me a part of it,


and thanks for looking!



Kate Logan & Peter Bradley Adams


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