Entries in washington weddings (6)


Hunter & Aimee

No better way to kick off the wedding season than with two of the coolest people I know, and an unbeatable group of friends.  Getting things done at the Echo Falls Golf Club it was a party from the get go.  

here's to spring time

thanks for looking







Scott and Christa

A most chill time for the most chill people.

Scott and Christa made for an awesome and easy day of watching a bunch of friends celebrate life and love,

Glad I got to be a part of it,

And major props to all of them for bearing the 100 degree heat and my photo torture technique of parading them around the woods, subjecting them to evil northwest monsters...




Jacque and Dane

Two cooler people you will be hard-pressed to find.  Both firefighters, both seriously awesome college athletes, Jacque and Dane were a blast to work with, as well as a comical challenge for me shooting them and their friends; nearly all of whom are college athletes as well, and nearly all of whom were also a good 6 inches taller than me.  Keeping it majorly local their wedding was a reunion of sorts, with a solid number of guests from my hometown of Waterville, it was great to see some of my former teaches, coaches and friends all in one place to celebrate in such a cool place.  

Now go give someone a high five for love,





Bells and Whistles not required..

Had a great time shooting a wedding that was out of the ordinary to say the least, but just as unique, for some unique people!  Hunting down a judge for a court house wedding, elevator riding, exquisite dinner, family and friends, beautiful Bellingham

what more do you need?
