Entries in concert photography (5)


Allen Stone and opener Kris Orlowski

On a current personal assignment covering northwest music, I had a blast on WWU's campus catching the funkiest concert I've seen lately by Allen Stone and openers Kris Orlowski and Eclecticity in the VU multi purpose room.  Catch Allen's performance on Conan and Kris's music and Eclecticity here.

The entire gallery HERE

thanks for looking








Live from the Columbia City Theater..

Got to head down to the Columbia City Theater this last weekend and watch my sister Kate-Lynne Logan and some of her very talented friends Jeremy Elliot of Polecat, Beth Whitney and Jenna Ellefson play a great show.

Check out the killer video work by Charley Voorhis too!

Here's to Seattle being the best music city!

thanks for looking, check out the whole gallery HERE



Brothers from Another, Dyno Jamz, Scribes and Blue Scholars

A show to remember for Bellingham hip-hop, a ton of killer artists came to Western and filled the MPR to capacity.  With enough beats to start a factory and some new stuff from everyone, The Blue Scholars finished their tour in style at what they said was where they feel most 'at home.'

With Brothers from Another, Dyno Jamz, Scribes, and The Blue Scholars themselves, I had a great time watching some crowd surfing, and hip hop legends in the making.

thanks for looking,



Polecat at The Old Foundry

Got to catch a killer concert from artist Polecat at the Old Foundry in Bellingham Friday night.  A last minute trip made me glad I didn't miss it.  Polecat is the type of awesome band that could practically choose the type of genre they want to be great at, they have so many talented musicians.  We watched as they rocked some old time bluegrass, country tunes, reggae beats and even some classic rock riffs. They also have the tendency to make every single person within earshot dance, so be careful when you go see them, you may start moving uncontrollably.

Check the whole gallery here

thanks for looking,
