Entries in landscape photography (3)



It's a complete blessing to be so busy.  But being caught up is another feeling entirely.  Approaching a single second where I feel like I have some of my own time to do personal work has been great lately.  I feel I haven't even scratched the surface of everything I'd like to be doing, but a good reality check and realization that practice makes perfect is good for everyone.

Anyways these are a few things I've seen as of late.

Thanks for seeing them too.



Who Needs People?

One of my favorite things about our great state is the beauty of the in between.  Commuting in Washington has to be one of my favorite pastimes now, which is a good thing since I find myself behind the wheel of my little truck, Fran, quite often.  I learned how to drive in that truck, seven years ago.  In a little over 7 years I've driven 140,000 miles.  Maybe I should switch to biodiesel.  

Anyways these are some of things I've seen along the way as of late. 

Check them out HERE too


Catch Up

Just some recent excursions in the late afternoons to the nooks, crannies and crevices of the Bellingham Bay area.  I am continually thankful for the place i call home.