
Weddings update

I've been having a blast and staying busy shooting weddings this year, here are a few of my favorites so far..



Deserving of a post..

Had to simply stop and stare driving home last night, the moon was low and only a sliver, leaving the sky great for some stargazing..

Almost zero editing, just some noise reduction, 25 second exposure. Needless to say, I had to stand still for longer than I'm used to. 


Summer so far..

Tryin to get alot of fun out of this summer, and so far, its going pretty well.  Just a few shots from where we last worked in the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area some of the Swakane Canyon fire and randoms from the last while..

Alfalfa is grown in the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area to be bailed and fed to Elk herds.



The Swakane Canyon Creek fire seen from highway 97 on Saturday July 10, 2010.






Demo Derby

Just some shots from the annual demo derby July 3rd in Waterville, WA.. Me and my camera both took quite a few shots to the face by dirt clods shooting the derby, but still had a blast.

Waterville Demolition Derby from rhys logan on Vimeo.