
Road Trippin

Drove to Spokane for hoopfest last weekend, didnt take a single shot while i was there.. but decided to entertain myself with some behind the wheel shooting on the long boring drive over, i always knew central and eastern washington weren't empty, but i surprised even myself when i was able to get back and see what id actually captured.. a tiny glimpse into the rural but far from boring side of our great state.


Road trippin from rhys logan on Vimeo.



nuff' said.


Let the season begin...

Summer is finally here... technically... despite a lack of good weather, I was able to enjoy some great weather on the 'right' side of the mountains and kick off this year's wedding season with a wedding at easily the coolest place I've ever shot so far, and another at beautiful Lake Chelan, going through and editing both has been a blast, I have to say I love my job and the great people I get to share a big day with..




View from a two minute walk above the ceremony areaCynthia and Cody




Duthie Hill Grand Opening

Duthie Hill, a brand new mountain bike freeride park had its ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday May 22, 2009.  I heard about it from the guys over at Transition Bikes while snooping for photo ops.  Took my roommates bike and drove down to Issaquah.  Had a super fun day posted up on the trails just watching and waiting.

see the full gallery here