Entries in photojournalism (5)


Final days

With the final days in Tanzania rapidly approaching last week, we were absolutely swamped finishing projects, working out last minute details and trying to say our goodbyes.  Sitting here now in Bellingham is an absolute trip, and explaining the last two months will be as much of a process as it was when I arrived in Africa, adjusting to a way of life that is so unfamiliar.  Seeing my time there in hindsight, I am still only beginning to see the reality of it, and plan on writing quite a bit in my next few posts.  Working with Faces4Hope and the Maasai people, their leaders, and the people of YWAM, has been a total privelege, and a deep and true blessing. One I hope to return, in telling about a place and a people, that many in the world don't know about.  If you see me, please ask, if you ask me, please listen.  Check out Faces4Hope on the verge of some huge changes, check out YWAM in Arusha, check out Amanda Halle's blog, and most of all check out the rest of the world, there is alot of stuff going on in it.

thank you so much for reading, for looking, for supporting me, and for your time,

This truly is, merely the beginning.







We got to go on a mini adventure today, riding with YWAM staff member Jeff in the YWAM van, taking kids back to their homes on Mt Meru. Every Saturday he drives and picks them up to bring them to the YWAM base in Arusha for games, fellowship with other kids, and lunch, then its back up the mountain to take them home.  Safety is a whole new concept here, and I am learning everyday to trust in the Lord more and more.....Flying up and down a single lane dirt road with craters and creek beds in it from the last rain floods, filled with motorcyclists and people is one thing. Doing it with 9 kids in the back seat bouncing off the walls is another.  I've never had more fun on a car ride though, as the kids jokingly prayed very loud and animatedly for our packed van to make it up a couple very questionable and very steep hills.  I may have even joined them in doing so.  Going through Arusha was fascinating as well.  So many people, so many new things.  I like seeing new cities, especially when they are as busy and foreign as Arusha is to me.  We finished off the trip with a coke treat courtesy of Jeff, and Fanta Passion is my new favorite pop.

thanks for looking







Shannon Point Marine Center

I recently began working for WWU's Office of Communications, called Viking Communications taking assignments of anything regarding or relating to Western.  So far it has been a total blast and keeping me really busy, I'll be trying to update my blogs more often, assignment by assignment, since most of them are pretty cool events,

thanks for looking!

The Shannon Point Marine Center had a pretty cool event in front of the Bellingham Library, complete with touch tanks and sea critters.  Shannon Point Marine Center is a campus of Western and grad school for ocean and environmental degrees and programs,

Check it out here too

Shannon Point Marine Center visits the Bellingham Public Library from rhys logan on Vimeo.



Project Preview: Northwest Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

Based in Deming, Wash. The Northwest Wildlife Rehabilitation Center is a single employee non-profit that cares for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife in Whatcom county.  I have been shooting a body of work covering the center since February and hopefully will finish in August. I plan on adding it to my projects portfolio.  It's been really fascinating and amazing to see our local wildlife so close and initimately cared for, and awesome to meet the great people so passionate about their care and preservation.

just wanted to send along a really small preview,
