Entries in bellingham (30)


Bellingham Crabbing

Friend and crabber extroardinaire Phil Cibicki recently took me on a mini excursion for the small tasty eight sea-going clawed friends we know as red rock crabs.  A nice frigid afternoon shaped up nicely into a deathly chilling evening, as we dropped our single pot, and went to Woods Coffee to catch a killer sunset and a cup of something warm.  While we didn't get any keepers, it was far from a wasted adventure!

Not a bad afternoon,




The Prime Time Band kills it again!

There are few bands worthy of covering the late Michael Jackson's songs. Even fewer capable of an entire Halloween concert dedicated to playing all of his greatest ones.  The Prime Time Band is one of those rare bands and on Saturday night they had a packed house of ghouls and goblins grooving hard at the Wild Buffalo until 1 in the morning.  More of an ensemble, The Prime Time Band is everything that great soul music used to be.  A collection of truly talented musicians, The Prime Time Band's funk driven beats and strong vocalists create a sound that is impossible to stand still to.  With enough soul in the air to give even the zombies in the crowd a shake in their shoulder, The Prime Time Band solidified their place in the Bellingham music scene for sure.  

Now get some razor sharp shoes for rug cutting, and go see them.

and check out the whole gallery HERE



Occupy Bellingham

The country is changing, whether we like it or not.  It seems a rare and very unique opportunity lately, to be thinking about the ability to tell future generations, I was there.

I hope you were



Polecat at The Old Foundry

Got to catch a killer concert from artist Polecat at the Old Foundry in Bellingham Friday night.  A last minute trip made me glad I didn't miss it.  Polecat is the type of awesome band that could practically choose the type of genre they want to be great at, they have so many talented musicians.  We watched as they rocked some old time bluegrass, country tunes, reggae beats and even some classic rock riffs. They also have the tendency to make every single person within earshot dance, so be careful when you go see them, you may start moving uncontrollably.

Check the whole gallery here

thanks for looking,
