
Only in O'ahu

Got to make the trip of a lifetime last week, spending 6 days on the beautiful island of O'ahu.  Hawaii is a place full of first times for me, and I had an absolute blast sharing that with 5 great friends.  But tearing up aside, going there was practically a career move.  Some of the most beautiful scenery, interesting people, and adventurous terrain provided a fantastic hayday for me to pretty much hold my shutter release down non-stop.  Some of the highlights of my life are below this paragraph.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. 

check the gallery HERE

p.s. lets go to Hawaii!



From Honolulu with Love from rhys logan on Vimeo.


Yoo Hoo from Oahu from rhys logan on Vimeo.



Hey Marseilles

One of Sarah's long lost friends plays the accordion and keyboard for Hey Marseilles, an awesome band out of Seattle.  We went to their show Saturday night at the Wild Buffalo in Bellingham.

so sick!

check the whole gallery here.



Shr-Ed*It episode 1 and 2

Been trying to formulate a good enough name for my snowboarding excursions.  Shr-Ed*It sucks less than Slashville McGnarpants so I think it will stick for awhile.

Anyways, adventures of late out of Stevens Pass Washington, with killer shredders Mark Macias, Megan Middleton, Matt Christie, Mike Kehoe, and myself.

Shr-Ed*It from rhys logan on Vimeo.

Shr-Ed*It 2 from rhys logan on Vimeo.


Visions of the Northwest

Been playing around with the idea of a running sort of project, still working out exactly what, but these are some ideas of late.  Images I find myself in front of, rather than the other way around.

