Entries in O'ahu (1)


Only in O'ahu

Got to make the trip of a lifetime last week, spending 6 days on the beautiful island of O'ahu.  Hawaii is a place full of first times for me, and I had an absolute blast sharing that with 5 great friends.  But tearing up aside, going there was practically a career move.  Some of the most beautiful scenery, interesting people, and adventurous terrain provided a fantastic hayday for me to pretty much hold my shutter release down non-stop.  Some of the highlights of my life are below this paragraph.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. 

check the gallery HERE

p.s. lets go to Hawaii!



From Honolulu with Love from rhys logan on Vimeo.


Yoo Hoo from Oahu from rhys logan on Vimeo.