Entries in wedding photography (15)


Weddin Time, update 3

Weddings are pandemonium.  Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise has either never been involved in one, is a wedding planner, or is lying.  That being said, I believe its simply due to heightened feelings; because its kind of a big deal.  An important day with an important meaning. But when the going gets crazy, I have had nothing but good attitudes and willingness to go for it from everyone I have been lucky enough to work with,

heres to celebrating craziness, otherwise known as life.



Wedding "Work" round 2

I can't believe this is my job:

Hang with some of the coolest kids I know,

watch them goof off for 3 hours,

make them do what I tell them (kidding, but seriously..)

watch a party,

have a blast.



Everyone's doing it,

No pun intended..

Wedding season is in full swing and I have been super thankful to have been able to work with such cool people lately.  Getting right to the middle of one of my craziest summers, I cannot say thank you enough to everyone who has been so patient, sincer, and tolerant of my photo ninja shenanigans and/or outlandish behavior,

Anyways I'm trying to get up to date with some of my personal favorite shots from this year's wedding work,

Thank you for being my clients and supporters, my friends, and for including me in such a momentous day in your lives,


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