Entries in Washington (34)


Washington; sweet to call it home

Driving across Stevens Pass last weekend I was reminded once again why our state is pretty rad.  I must have crossed that pass 100 times in the last year and it still catches me off guard with how beautiful it is.  I think there are too many things around us that really cool, if we just stop and take a closer look sometimes. 

thanks for looking




The town I grew up in..

Seeing a place with new eyes is something I believe everyone strives for.  Every day we revisit the spaces in our lives, whether concious or not, because we want to.  The space in my life lately, has been the home I grew up in, the town I spent my childhood in, and the place I have been familiar with since I was 8 years old.  It is very different now, only in the sense that I see it differently.  As with many childhood memories, things are not as big as they once seemed, distances are not so far as they once felt, but every bit or marvel still lies within them, if only because I remember them being so.  When you are young you see everything for how spectacular it is; you take what you have and make it great.  Not because you aren't satisfied with the way it is, but just because you can make that way.

Here's to never growing up.


All of these pictures were taken within a quarter-mile of eachother, which coincidentally are also all about a quarter-mile from my house.



Louis Lake

I am in denial that the summer is winding down. I met up for a support group with 9 other people, who are also in denial of this.  We spent two days at our mobile retreat center in beautiful Louis Lake hiking, exploring, swimming fishing, climbing, adventuring in all senses of the word and partaking in other summer activities as a therapeutic process for fulfilling a mental 'summer quota' of fun things to do while its still nice out.  I hope you will be honest with yourself, and join our group, for your own health's sake.

Do it.

Check out more in the Gallery


Adam getting his game on, with full on adventure suit status.

Game fuel.Hitting the trailhead


Jacque and Dane

Two cooler people you will be hard-pressed to find.  Both firefighters, both seriously awesome college athletes, Jacque and Dane were a blast to work with, as well as a comical challenge for me shooting them and their friends; nearly all of whom are college athletes as well, and nearly all of whom were also a good 6 inches taller than me.  Keeping it majorly local their wedding was a reunion of sorts, with a solid number of guests from my hometown of Waterville, it was great to see some of my former teaches, coaches and friends all in one place to celebrate in such a cool place.  

Now go give someone a high five for love,




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