Entries in ffred norquist (2)



Lately I've been reminded why I love what I do. 

After a three day stint chasing hidden falls, fjording raging swollen rivers, bushwacking through jungles, taking some devil's club in the face, sleeping in the back of my truck and eating fire-roasted McDonalds, I couldn't be more stoked on one of the most "unsuccessful," weekends in my photo career.  

But with not one run made down what Fred Norquist and crew refer to as monster 'stouts,' It wasn't anything but pure thankfulness and warm fuzzy feelings for Washington all over again.  With sketchy landings in shallow pools, low flow, or raging overflow, every potential drop the guys checked out just wasn't working out. 

But if dedication was a rare jungle disease, just like the monkey from Outbreak, these guys caught it and made it spread.  Bummer after bummer, smiles never left, and vengeful return was inspired at each failed mini-mission.

I realized on my way across Steven's Pass at 2:30 am that if the worst thing about the entire weekend was that I hiked to three of the most beautiful waterfalls I've ever seen, spotted a bear, caught the sunset ferry, ate some of the best pulled pork bbq known to man, and slept under more stars than I've seen my entire life, then it probably wasn't that bad of a weekend after all.

Here's to living each day as if it were your last, because some day that will be true.


Upper right of the falls, look for Ryan


Fred's the only dude I know who is man enough to camp with a purple silk pillow...


Raging 'Yakers Round 2

Excursion day two of hanging with the funky foursome that is team Bomb Flow may not have had any near death experiences, but was nonetheless killer.  Fred Norquist, Evan Garcia, Sam Freihofer and Ryan Lucas were all back in action for round two on the Nooksack, this time at the legendary middle fork.  With the guys putting in a few miles upriver I rallied Evan's man machine Subaru down river to the scouting point for an epic mossy forested gorge of middle-earth proportions, right below an aged and decaying dam fully equipped with rebar snags and concrete chunks.  Dropping the dam wasn't in the mix this afternoon, especially after Ryan's dealings with an unfortunate boat nose bonk on a rock during the trip down, putting a puncture wound and crack in his kayak that you could fit your finger into.  

I decided a single lane bridge overlooking the gorge from about 100 feet would suffice for capturing the guys running headlong into the gorge and out of sight that fine Friday June 10, 2011. 

If I could shoot every single day watching these guys slay rivers that I'd be afraid to even throw a fishing line on, I'd consider it a pretty good summer.

 The boys are now also looking forward to running the newly formed Freihofer Falls.  Fathered by Sir Sam Freihofer himself with the help of Mother Nooksack River, in epic effort to expel remnants of the previous nights bender.

NOTE: If you don't like projectile vomit pictures, scroll down quickly. Also, no animals or insects were harmed in the making of this blog post.


The boys looked forward to running the newly formed Freihofer Falls

Gnar Cars in action.

Ryan Lucas attaining ninja status and feeling the Chi.

Freihofer testing the theory, "Nothing some Gorilla Grip can't fix."Ninja's gotta focus.

Ryan not stoked after breaking his boat.

Fred surveying his pre-run repair job.