Entries by Rhys (212)


Wake Boarding, it never gets old.

I can't get enough wakeboarding shots these days and I have been super lucky and stoked to be shooting as rad of a dude as Brenden Leib.  Recently taking second at the Fall Classic at Coppert Lake, Brenden called me up to take advantage of the killer sun we've been getting.  I'm excited to get out more and more every time we shoot, getting so many different light situations. And with some new gear on the way, I'm going to be able to mix it up alot more and get some better and different angles, but I've already said too much! You will just have to come back and look later to see what I mean.

Now go outside before the sun is gone until May. seriously.

check out the whole gallery here



Northwest Collegiate 7s Rugby Tournament

In case you didn't know, Western has rugby teams.  In case you are into gruesome hits, fast paced action, and awesome games with killer athletes I thought I'd let you know you should make it to some of their matches.  After a quick text to friend and manbeast Colin Moy Saturday night, he filled me in on a few details for the Northwest Collegiate 7s Rugby Tournament at Memorial Stadium at the Seattle Center.  I went down Sunday morning not quite knowing what to expect, except a good time covering one of my favorite sports to shoot.  I must admit, I did not expect to see D-I schools there, or so many other colleges representing the entire northwest. WSU, UW, Oregon, Oregon State, Idaho, and UPS and UBC and others were all in attendance making for some of the fastest and most violent rugby I've ever seen in the quick games that are  7s. 

Not to mention that out of all those great teams, Western took second

Check out Western Rugby here and come support your Vikings!

Check out the whole gallery here

thanks for looking



Occupy Bellingham

The country is changing, whether we like it or not.  It seems a rare and very unique opportunity lately, to be thinking about the ability to tell future generations, I was there.

I hope you were



Weddings! It's the Final Countdown with Ryan and Leslie

Wedding season is winding down for me in the next couple months, and what a killer time it has been since May.  I have been super lucky to work with the people that I have been able to work with and Ryan and Leslie reminded me why I love my job all over again.  In the shadow of massive Mt Rainier, Ryan and Leslie thew one serious party at the High Cedars Golf Club in Orting, Washington.  Big family, big guest list, big bridal party, and most of all big timin!'

Thanks for looking
