Entries in Sports Shots (3)


Awaken the Wake

The sun is out, every once in awhile, and the days are warming up...sometimes. But whatever the weather, Brenden Leib remains at large on Lake Whatcom, throwing it down every which way he can, and I am thankful to be lucky enough to be in the back of the boat when it happens.  Cam Russel and Roy Dammarell get wet n wild this nice afternoon too, wetsuits and all. 

thanks for reminding me its nearly summer guys, 

and thanks for looking!








Fun in the sun, WWU track

This weekend shaped up to be a pretty busy one, but turned out to be great.  Got to shoot track for the first time, Shoot the Holy Oly for the first time, head down to Seattle to hang with my sister and take part in one of the most amazing presentations I've ever witnessed by legendary photo editor Mike Davis.

Yay life.

I think I'll be breaking up the blog posts, for my own narcissistic fulfillment. I like looking at all the cool stuff I do one at a time. Lets start with track.





Last home game of the regular season, WWU handed UW an 8-5 loss February 5, 2011

Wish I could have made it to more games

