Entries in Outdoor Photography (11)


Awaken the Wake

The sun is out, every once in awhile, and the days are warming up...sometimes. But whatever the weather, Brenden Leib remains at large on Lake Whatcom, throwing it down every which way he can, and I am thankful to be lucky enough to be in the back of the boat when it happens.  Cam Russel and Roy Dammarell get wet n wild this nice afternoon too, wetsuits and all. 

thanks for reminding me its nearly summer guys, 

and thanks for looking!








Bellingham Crabbing

Friend and crabber extroardinaire Phil Cibicki recently took me on a mini excursion for the small tasty eight sea-going clawed friends we know as red rock crabs.  A nice frigid afternoon shaped up nicely into a deathly chilling evening, as we dropped our single pot, and went to Woods Coffee to catch a killer sunset and a cup of something warm.  While we didn't get any keepers, it was far from a wasted adventure!

Not a bad afternoon,




Washington; sweet to call it home

Driving across Stevens Pass last weekend I was reminded once again why our state is pretty rad.  I must have crossed that pass 100 times in the last year and it still catches me off guard with how beautiful it is.  I think there are too many things around us that really cool, if we just stop and take a closer look sometimes. 

thanks for looking




The Day Job

I have been having a blast this summer, and the past five summers for that matter, working at the Wenatchee Forestry Sciences Lab as a field tech.  It has taken me to Idaho, Montana and some of the most beautiful places I know in Washington.  The studies we have been on this year mainly are on the Entiat River, a small river feeding into the Columbia north of Wenatchee. 

Hurray for science!


Tha's nature folks; a bald hornet grabbing some lunch courtesy of a neophasia minapia, or pine white butterfly.High-tech caterpillar gathering equipment.

Getting to our sites is always an adventure.

Yes she is actually pregnant..Hopefully this Chinook survived long enough to spawn.