Entries in commercial photography (2)


Weather Head Fall Line 2011

Check out some of the killer gear from up and coming fabrical talents Weather Head Clothing now out for their fall line.  Had an awesome time with some rad people running around Bellingham and working on my model directing.

thanks for looking



Keepin it Fresh with Weather Head

Stoked on the opportunity granted by Sir Carlos Garcia and friends of Weather Head Clothing to add a few more tools to my photo bag and get the best first experience working with some serious models.  Based out of Everett but spreading like a good mold in should in Western Washington,  these guys kill it with some homegrown designs and support for local riders in the mountains and on the street. (Whom I am also stoked to be shooting soon as well) 

With their whole new line coming out, I don't want to blow the lid of it just yet, but thought I'd sneak preview a few of my selects from a killer afternoon kicking it in and around Bellingham. 


Cheers for a new client, awesome people, and some Northwest love
